2007 World Open: Maurice Ashley speaks!

As I mentioned in the previous post, Grandmaster Maurice Ashley was spotted last night at the tournament. He was visiting the World Open to watch his friend and former student Kasaun Henry. Shortly after the start of the 4th round, I was able to get a short interview with him. He basically updated the chess community on his activities and gave us reaffirmation about his dedication to chess. Interview is about three minutes long.



  1. Daaim!
    Thanks for the interview with GM Ashley!

    Question: Did you use Audacity to do the interview? If so, is it an easy software program to work with?

    I wish I could be up there, unfortunately I had other obligations. Hopefully I’ll make it to the World Open in 2008.

    Brian Richardson
    Houston, Texas

  2. It is always good to hear from Maurice. Besides being a very strong chess player, he has that special touch of class that makes him a fan’s favorite. Nice interview.

    Peter Roberts
    Harlem, New York

  3. you can bet mo will be playing, as he once told me ” I try to take their heads off right from the start” seriously though ia comeback w/o a patron is rough but I think he will come through fine. I attended a book signing he did at a local bookstore, vintage material really. so anyone have a bookstore in their neighborhood get in touch with Maurice’s editor, or publisher and they will be on the case


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