Strong Field at Caribbean Carnival

2009 Caribbean Chess Carnival

The Caribbean Carnival will kick off on August 4th and extend through August 9th. Edison Raphael has released a preliminary slate of players scheduled to compete.

IM Humberto Pecorelli Garcia
IM Kevin Denny
WGM Ilaha Kadimova
IM Julio Ostos
IM Oladapo Adu
IM Gerardo Lebredo Zarragoitia
WIM Luisa Elena Duran Reina

In addition, many of the other Caribbean names have not been released, but it is almost a given that we will see the likes of FM Ryan Harper and perhaps players from Barbados, Martinique and Jamaica. Carl Jacobs wrote a piece for the Trinidad Guardian and gave more details.

Four International Masters from within the region are registered to play, including Humberto Pecorelli-Garcia of Cuba who will be defending his championship title. The others are Julio Ostos of Venezuela, Gerardo Lebredo of Cuba and Kevin Denny of Barbados. Among the countries listed to take part in the Chess Carnival are Barbados with a 26-member team, Martinique fielding 18 players, the US and Suriname. Several of T&T’s top juniors, including Kevin Cupid, U-18 champion; Christian Ammon, U-12 champion and Justin Labastide, U-8 champion, are expected to compete. One of Suriname’s promising youngsters, 11-year-old Calvin Tjong Tjin, who won the U-10 section of the tournament in 2007 and the U-12 category in the Barbados Open last year, is entered to play this year in the U-20 section.

Edison Raphael, president of the Foundation, stated that another important objective of the tournament “is to provide regional players with an opportunity to acquire and enhance their international rating without having to play in overseas tournaments which can be costly.” The tournament is generally well-run and very enjoyable.


  1. Don’t have any. I couldn’t make it to Trinidad and I haven’t received any reports. The website isn’t updated, so we out of luck.

    I’ll send Edison Raphael an e-mail.


    Date: August 4th, 2009
    To: Sport Editor
    From: Trinidad & Tobago Chess Foundation
    Contact: Edison Raphael – President 678-0132

    Food for thought – Chess Carnival Begins!

    August 4, 2009 – The Caribbean Chess Carnival got off to an exciting start on Tuesday, 04th August with over 148 regional and international participants from Azerbaijan, Barbados, Cuba, Martinique, Nigeria, Jamaica, St. Lucia, Suriname, Venezuela and Trinidad and Tobago.

    IM Humberto Pecorelli

    IM Humberto Pecorelli
    Photo by Daaim Shabazz.

    Organised by the Trinidad and Tobago Chess Foundation and sponsored by both the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs and CMMB Limited, the six-day annual Chess Carnival has attracted 9 masters, including International Chess Masters Cuban Humberto Pecorelli-Garcia – the highest rated player 2411, followed by Barbadian Kevin Denny, with a rating of 2351, Woman’s Grandmaster Ilaha Gadimova 2331 of Azerbaijan, Venezuelan Julio Ostos 2306, Oladapo Adu of Nigeria 2276, Cuban Gerardo Lebredo Zarragoitia, 2250 and Woman’s International Master Maria Ubaldo Suarez 2102, Trinidad and Tobago’s Fide Master Ryan Harper 2223 and Barbadian Fide Master Philip Corbin 2125.

    Now to the meat of the matter; after the first three rounds, four players are tied on full points in the Open section, including Woman Grandmaster Ilaha Gadimova, International Master Humberto Pecorelli-Garcia, Oladapo Adu and Ariel Marichal of Cuba.

    In the Junior divisions, after three rounds of competition, Trinidad and Tobago’s Ami Alexis and Jade Noreigh are among 5 players in the under 10 category with 3 points, including Piere Chang from Suriname, Charles Collet from Martinique, and Tien Yu Poon from Barbados.

    In the under-14 age group, 4 Trinidad and Tobago players have secured their just desserts gaining maximum points thus far; Christian Ammon, Jarryon Paul, Melissa Pereira and Mahendra Singh.

    The 7 players on 2.5 points in the under-20 category are Danion Davy of Jamaica, Romario Sanches of Suriname, Jean-David Roseder from Martinique and 4 Trinidad and Tobago players, Keron Cabralis, Christopher Raphael, Kevin Cupid, and Rafael Guerrero.

    The 9-round Swiss-style tournament will end on Sunday 9th August, when trophies will be presented to the first ten places and a total prize fund of US$30,000 will be distributed to the first five winners, across all four categories: under-10, under-14, under-20 and Open.

    Full details are available on the tournament website daily:

    Nigerian IM Oladapo Adu (Left) enjoys a Roti an East Indian culinary delight with Carlyle Singh of the Trinidad and Tobago Chess Foundation.

    Nigerian IM Oladapo Adu (Left) enjoys a Roti an East Indian culinary delight with Carlyle Singh of the Trinidad and Tobago Chess Foundation.

  3. Two lead in Caribbean Chess Carnival

    WGM Ilaha Gadimova

    WGM Ilaha Gadimova (Azerbaijan)

    At the Caribbean Chess Carnival in Port of Spain, Trinidad, 148 players from ten countries are competing in this year’s premier Caribbean event. After five rounds in the Open section, Cuban IM Humberto Pecorelli – Garcia and Azerbaijan WGM Ilaha Gadimovia are joint leads on 4.5 points. The tournament is being played in the spectacular surroundings of the Queen’s Park Oval in Port of Spain, Trinidad, the world famous cricket centre where players are battling it out on the chessboard.

    Standings (.xls, .rtf)
    Results (.xls)

    IM Humberto Pecorelli-Garcia (Cuba) vs. IM Oladapo Adu (Nigeria)

    IM Humberto Pecorelli-Garcia (Cuba) vs. IM Oladapo Adu (Nigeria), 1-0

  4. IM Pecorelli, WGM Gadimova maintain lead in Chess Carnival

    August 7th, 2009 – The 6th round of the Open Section of the 2009 Caribbean Chess Carnival found two draws on the highest boards. On board one Cuba’s IM Humberto Pecorelli Garcia sailed into a comfortable draw against Barbados’ IM Kevin Denny. However, the action was on Board two where WGM Ilaha Kadimova of Azerbaijan (Black) played an impressive ending under time pressure to earn a draw against IM Oladapo Adu from Nigeria.

    Pecorelli-Denny, an instructive King’s Indian, ended in a draw after a flurry of exchanges in the middle-game. White had some interesting manouvers with his knight (travelling from g1 to d4 in 4 moves!) while Black tried for play on the queenside with moves like 8…Qa4, …Na6-b4 etc. However, his advances here turned out to be not all that productive as White simply proceeded to exchange into a comfortable ending. (See game or frame below)

    IM Humberto Pecorelli-Garcia (Cuba) vs. IM Kevin Denny (Barbados)

    IM Humberto Pecorelli-Garcia (Cuba) vs. IM Kevin Denny (Barbados), ½-½

    Adu-Kadimova started off as a seemingly innocuous Caro-Kann with precise piece play being the prevaling feature. The excitement came after Adu, beginning to come under pressure to defend his far advanced c-pawn, played the lightning bolt knight sacrifice 40. Nxb5+ in order to try to give his pawn a free ticket to Black’s back rank. Kadimova, under time pressure played well, herding the White king expertly with her queen and even testing White’s resilience by advancing her own king. The game ended in a draw with Black, though having the superior position, not having enough time to calculate the complications that would arise from the best line of play and settling for perpetual check. (see game or frame below)

    IM Oladapo Adu (Nigeria) vs. WGM Ilaha Kadimova (Azerbaijan)

    IM Oladapo Adu (Nigeria) vs. WGM Ilaha Kadimova (Azerbaijan), ½-½

    The Caribbean Chess Carnival, now in its 3rd year, takes place from August 4th-9th 2009 in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. This year features an impressive pantheon of masters including two-time champion IM Humberto Pecorelli Garcia, WGM Ilaha Kadimova and International Masters Kevin Denny, Julio Ostos and Gerardo Lebredo Zarragoitia.

    Report by Jayson Paul

  5. Hey Christopher!

    Tell Jayson to keep the reports coming. I don’t think he has been on this blog to see his report.

    Does anyone have other pictures? I would like to post a few from the other boards. It would be good to have a shot of the entire hall of players.

  6. Photos from the Caribbean Carnival!
    (Carlyle Singh)

    Playing Hall

    Playing Hall

    Playing Hall

    Ryan Harper, Roger Matoewi and Oladapo Adu watching the action.

    Playing Hall

    Suriname players!

    WIM Maria Ubaldo Suarez grinding down FM Ryan Harper.

    WIM Maria Ubaldo-Suarez grinding down FM Ryan Harper.

  7. Cubans take control… Pecorelli takes sole lead of 1st place after beating WIM Maria Ubaldo-Suarez. Cubans Ariel Marichal and IM Gerar Lebredo are tied for second with Venezuelan Lisyender Teran Abreu on 6/8. IMs Kevin Denny and Oladapo Adu have fallen away from the pack.

    Here Pecorelli’s win over Ubaldo-Suarez.

  8. The preliminary results I got from IM Oladapo Adu was that IM Humberto Pecorelli wins again with 7/9. That is the third year in a row he has won the tournament. He was followed by two other Cubans and two from Venezuela… IM Gerar Lebredo Zarragoitia (CUB), Ariel Marichal (CUB), IM Julio Ostos (VEN) and Lisyender Teran Abreu (VEN) were on 6.5/9. Full report forthcoming!

    Note: Next year Pecorelli will be challenged. Let the Cuban International Master know that I am personally bringing an entourage to Trinidad in 2010! This domination has gotten out of hand! 🙂

    2009 Caribbean Chess Carnival


    Juniors battle!
    Photo by FM Philip Corbin.

    Classic Photo: IM Kevin Denny battles FM Philip Corbin in the last round of the Caribbean Chess Carnival. WGM Ilaha Kadimova of Azerbaijan delights in the moment. Photo by FM Philip Corbin.

    Classic Photo: IM Kevin Denny battles FM Philip Corbin in the last round of the Caribbean Chess Carnival. WGM Ilaha Kadimova of Azerbaijan delights in the moment. Photo by FM Philip Corbin.

    Gilles Suez-Panama of Martinique
Photo by FM Philip Corbin.

    Gilles Suez-Panama of Martinique
    Photo by FM Philip Corbin.

    IM Kevin Denny and WGM Ilaha Kadimova, 1/2-1/2

    IM Kevin Denny and WGM Ilaha Kadimova, 1/2-1/2
    Photo by FM Philip Corbin.

    Humberto Pecorelli Garcia win the 2009 Caribbean Chess Carnival

    Humberto Pecorelli Garcia wins the 2009 Caribbean Chess Carnival (7/9). Photo by Trinidad Chess Foundation.

    Romario Sanches of Suriname, 1st place in under-20. Photo by Trinidad Chess Foundation.

    Romario Sanches of Suriname,
    1st place in under-20 (7.5/9)
    Photo by Trinidad Chess Foundation.

    Immanuel Kromosoeto of Suriname, 1st place in under-14. Photo by Trinidad Chess Foundation.

    Immanuel Kromosoeto of Suriname,
    1st place in under-14 (7.5/9)
    Photo by Trinidad Chess Foundation.

    Yu Tien Poon of Barbados, 1st place in under-10. Photo by Trinidad Chess Foundation.

    Yu Tien Poon of Barbados,
    1st place in under-10 (9/9)
    Photo by Trinidad Chess Foundation.

  10. Here’ is one of the most exciting games sent in by FM Dr. Philip Corbin. It was against Martinique’s top player, Gilles Suez-Panama.

    The following depiction is the side effect of playing the the kind of wild games that Philip Corbin plays. 😀 Take note…

    Philip Corbin at Queen's Park Oval where Cricket is played.

    Corbin is actually resting at Queen’s Park Oval where Cricket is played. According to Carlyle Singh, “Occasionally football is also played there. Before renovations for the ICC Cricket World Cup a few years ago, there was also a cycling track. Some Carnival parties and other concerts are also hosted at these grounds.”

  11. Yea… I tend to play the same line as white. Corbin and I have traded notes! Maybe I shouldn’t be revealing this. 🙂 Check this game out. You’ll see the Corbin and I are kindred cousins!

  12. Daaim, you played that line pretty well… i don’t think he was better after 22 Qb8.. on that move I like put the bishop back on h4, with the idea of Qg7, ne6

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