Exciting Highlights of 2001!

The Chess Drum’s
Highlights of 2001!

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The Rise of Amon Simutowe
The Talking Drum featuring Amon Simutowe

Wilbert Paige Memorial
The 1st Wilbert Paige Memorial. . . a historic event!!
Official Website of the Wilbert Paige Memorial

Tate’s win over GM Sergey Kudrin
FM Emory Tate shocks Kudrin with 24-move stunner!!

Summer IM norms
The “Exterminator” blazes field at St. John’s to earn 2nd IM norm!
Norman “Pete” Rogers bags 1st IM norm at Philly’s World Open!
Wilbert Paige is smashing success as FM Muhammad shines!!

2001 World Open
The 2001 World Open turns out to be historic!!
World Open Photo Gallery

GM Polgar in Botswana
GM Polgar’s visit to Botswana a smash hit!

Elliott Makes History
NM Elliott dominates Jamaican Championship with a 9-0 blitz!

Kevin Denny’s IM title
Barbados’ Kevin Denny earns IM title at Subzonal 2.3.5!
The Talking Drum featuring IM Kevin Denny

Kobese beats GM Peter Leko
South Africa’s IM Kobese gives Hungary’s Leko a scare!

Posted by The Chess Drum: 31 December 2001

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