Brazil’s rising star Ryan Wesley Caetano

Brazil Brazil Brazil

Ryan Wesley da Costa Caetano of Brazil is an aspiring Grandmaster and was the 2019 Brazilian Junior Champion. Aged 19, he currently has a FIDE rating of 2243. Five months ago, Ryan was profiled in an interview on where he discussed his beginnings, inspirations, and aspirations. Here is the translation of the Portuguese-language interview. Unfortunately, English-speakers may not get a chance to learn about such players, but here is Ryan Caetano!

Ryan Wesley da Costa Caetano
Ryan Wesley da Costa Caetano

1. Tell your story in chess. How did it start? Who taught you how to play?

I met chess at the age of 9 when I was studying at my old school, but I didn’t like it very much. I started to enjoy it only after the age of 11 when I started going to the city club and participating in tournaments.

2. Does your family encourage you to play chess, participate in competitions?

Yes, my mother in particular always tried to help as much as possible so that I could participate in the tournaments.

3. Name your main titles.

FENAC – Campeonato Brasileiro Pré-Infantil (Under-14 and Under-18 champion), JESC subregional champion and Brazilian School 2019.

Ryan Caetano with championship trophy at FENAC 2019!
Ryan Caetano with championship trophy at FENAC 2019!

4. Which players do you admire?

I have always admired Mikhail Tal and Bobby Fischer because of their legacy, but currently, I try to mirror myself in Maxime Vachier-Lagrave and Magnus Carlsen.

5. Over the years that you participate in competitions, do you have a game that you consider remarkable or the best game played by you until today?

The game that touched me most was this year against Neuris (GM Neuris Delgado), because in addition to being a great player, he was one of my main teachers and helped me to evolve a lot.

6.What are your goals as a player?

Getting the GM title, and I still want to travel to Europe to play the tournaments there.

7.Which book (s) helped you to evolve?

Mastering Chess Strategies (Johan Hellsten), Complete Chess Training (Artur Yusupov), My Best Matches (Alexander Alekhine), My 60 Memorable Games (Bobby Fischer)

8. A final message and / or thanks.

I would like to thank my family for always insisting and not letting me give up, to my teachers because without them I would not be at that level and to my chess friends who always served as an incentive for me to improve.

Follow me on Twitch and Instagram for more news!

Video by Clube de Xadrez de Blumenau

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