Ashley in Martinique!

Olivier Mouëza informed The Chess Drum that GM Maurice Ashley is currently in Martinique as the guest of Ligue d’échecs de la Martinique (Chess League of Martinique). He will deliver a series of lectures and simultaneous exhibitions from Thursday, February 24 until Sunday, February 27th. Here is the schedule:

Friday, February 25th:

  • Ashley will visit two schools on the island during the day,
  • He will then deliver a lecture at 7:00pm followed by a discussion in the Salle des délibérations du Conseil Général (General Council conference room).

Saturday, February 26th:

  • 1st simultaneous at 11:00am in the lobby of Madiana;
  • training workshop to 2:30pm to Madiana for those who teach chess;
  • 2nd simultaneous second at 5:00pm with the winners of the 2011 school league;

Link: (French)

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