Orrin Hudson making good moves!



Orrin Hudson has been beating the “Besomeone” trail for the past several years with a message of positivity and hope for endangered youth. He has been on a number of television news casts championing his message. Besomeone’s motto is “making every move count” under the adage that each person is responsible for their action and they should make moves in life as they would in a game of chess… planning, time management, discipline are some key characteristics.

Hudson will take his message to Woodruff Park in downtown Atlanta and host “Chess in the Park” on July 24th from 11:30am – 1:30pm. Hudson will give lessons on life and chess, do his signature rap and probably will have plenty of goodies for the kids. Part of his message is “Heads Up, Pants Up, Grades Up” in reference to the prison-inspired, “low-riding” pants that young men wear hanging off their buttocks showing their unsightly underwear. Some say that is too harsh and judgemental, but who is a better person to encourage a young man to straighten up and make better choices?

Let’s us hope that his message will ring clear in the minds of the youth how attend his event. Certainly chess is a great metaphor for life and Hudson continuing to champion this cause.

Read the press release!

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