2012 World Open (Philadelphia, USA)
With the Philadelphia International beginning tonight, the 40th World Open officially begins tomorrow and remains the marquee tournament in America. Approximately 1000-1300 players will travel to Philadelphia to compete for top prizes. What big names will be out? Stay tuned!
40th Annual World Open
July 2-8, 2012, Philadelphia, PA
Sheraton Philadelphia City Center Hotel
17th & Race Streets, Philadelphia, PA.
* * *
$200,000 GUARANTEED!
Nine Sections!
Standings, PGN Games
GM Wesley So (Philippines) vs. NM Michael Bodek (USA), 1-0
FM Kassa Korley (USA) vs. GM Abhijeet Gupta (India), 0-1
Open Section
IM Nisha Mohota (India)
GM Ray Robson ponders his next move.
NM Okechukwu Iwu (USA/Nigeria)
Young Masters at work!!
13-year old James Black, Jr. is on the move while 14-year old Justus Williams shows intensity.
13-year old National Master Josh Colas
WGM Nadya Ortiz (Columbia)
July 4th celebration on the Parkway
It was a beautiful night!
Boyd Reed, Tournament Director
Darrian Robinson, will head to University of Chicago this fall as an economics major. Robinson and Larry Saxby played to a draw.
Open Section – GM S P Sethuraman vs. IM Michael Mulyar, 1-0
Open Section – IM Greg Shahade vs. GM Atanas Ivan Kolev, 1/2
IM Saljivus Bercys vs. GM Yury Shulman, 1/2
Nice view of the Parkway.
Sleek office building!
Two scholastic stars Josh Colas and James Black, Jr. in the bookstore getting more weapons. It’s good to see the enthusiasm. 🙂
Pairings are up!
Sylvester Smarty
GM Robert Hess vs. GM Deepak Chakkravarthy, 0-1
Open Section
Monroi display of top six boards.
Open Section
Boyd Reed on the case.
Open Section
GM Sergei Azarov (Belarus) – GM Deepan Chakkravarthy (India), 1/2
IM Shyam Nikhil (India) – GM Sergey Erenburg (Israel), 1/2
GM Abhijeet Gupta (India) – GM Ivan Sokolov (Netherlands), 1/2
GM Alexander Shabalov – GM S P Sethuraman, 1/2
Michael Taylor of California… fear the Fro! 🙂
FM Kassa Korley and NM Justus Williams
NM James Black, Jr. – FM Kazim Gulamali, 1/2
IM Tania Sachdev (India)
Daaim Shabazz and NM Josh Colas
Oladapo Adu blitzing with Herb Carswell with Kamanyola Bior looking on.
Bughouse… William Aramil and Aaron Kahn (right) bugging out!
Josh Colas trying his hand at Bughouse!
GMs Ivan Sokolov and Alex Shabalov finished at the top of the Open Section standings, both finishing with 7/9 after agreeing to a quick draw in the final round to secure a share of first. Both players could have been caught by GMs Wesley So and Yury Shulman or IM Marc Arnold who all started the final round half-point behind the leaders but none of those players managed a victory, leaving Sokolov and Shabolov alone at the top.
An Armageddon play-off between the two GMs was held after the end of the tournament. Sokolov had the white pieces and 5 minutes while Shabalov had the black pieces, 3 minutes and draw odds (both players also had a 5 second delay). The game was won by Sokolov who becomes the 2012 World Open Champion. The game has been added to the Games Viewer/PGN download.
On the norm front, Arnold had already secured his 3rd and final GM norm going into the round after a victory over GM Robert Hess in round 8. Other GM norms (to be confirmed) were scored by IM Eesha Karavade and FM John Bryant. IM norms (to be confirmed) were scored by FM Michael Kleinman, Yaacov Norowitz and Luke Harmon-Vellotti.
Source: http://www.worldopen.net
Justus, Darrian, and Kassa gained points.
hmmm…Yaacov Norowitz may have an IM norm. He has had an very long journey to FIDE titles.
Yaacov is known as a blitz specialist, but certainly is IM (2450-2475 FIDE) strength. He played in under-2200 not too long ago. His USCF rating is over 2500.
I luv the photo of James and Josh in the bookstore!
More coming here! Trying to catch up.
Dwayne Walton sporting his ACC gear. He had on a U. of North Carolina last year.
The Nietos twins from Columbia. I don’t know them apart, but their names are Manuel (left) and Guillermo.
James Black on his way to beating IM Gabriel Battaglini of France. The Frenchman was visibly upset at losing. He would also lose to Justus Williams a few rounds later. Get used to it! 🙂
Nice mural on Shallow Hill Road. You can find these throughout Philly.
Lovely mural!
Not sure what this building is, but it is very nice!
Philadelphia, a city with a unique architectural character.
This is a saving grace for vegans in the Center City area.
GM Joel Benjamin losing to GM Vladimir Romanenko. I suppose 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5 is still in vogue!?
James Jeffrey and Robert Beatty battling until midnight.
GM Alonso Zapata (Columbia) vs. GM Aleksandr Lenderman (USA), 0-1
IM Quignan Liu (China) vs. GM Ilya Smirin (Israel), 1/2
IM Greg Shahade (USA) vs. FM Kassa Korley (USA), 1-0
Andrew Lebovitz (USA) vs. Justus Williams (USA), 0-1
Darrian Robinson vs. Jason Shi, 1/2.
Open Section (Round 8)
GM Wesley So (Philippines) vs. GM Alexander Shabalov (USA), 1/2
FM Miles Ardaman vs. FM Carl Boor, 1/2
Sasha Velikanov playing William Aramil, 0-1.
Blitz taking place on a comfortable spot.
Iryna Zenyuk and Irina Krush relaxing between rounds with Alexander Shabalov in the background. Krush actually did not participate.
Georgian GMs Giorgi Kacheishvili and Tamaz Gelashvili.
FM Awonder Liang beating Manuel Nieto of Columbia. Awonder, who has a brother named “Adream” got the FM title in the under-8 at the World Youth and it one of the youngest FMs in recent memory. His FIDE rating is 1922.
NM Okechukwu Iwu playing Puerto Rico’s FM Raul Vazquez, 1/2.
Indian competitors IM Nisha Mohota (6.5/9) and WGM Padmini Rout (6/9) in under-2400 section. Rout earned an IM norm in the Philadelphia International a week earlier.
Yours truly in round nine. I played the Vienna Game for the first time in 10 years and won an interesting game against National Master Michael Chiang. He was an excellent sport and we analyzed the game for about two hours!
Analyzing with Michael Chiang after last round encounter.
We analyzed for at least two hours!
Photo by Oladapo Adu.
Can you show us your game from round nine?
Why the Vienna Game?
I had played the Vienna Game (1.e4 e5 2.Nc3) for many years with good results. I played the 3.g3 line, but decided it was too slow for my tactical style. So I started playing 1.e4 e5 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. f4 d5 4.fxe5 Nxe4 5.d3!? I then played the more stable 5.Nf3 and got some decent wins.
After seeing Alexander Shabalov get some crushing wins with the Center Game (1.e4 e5 2.d4 cxd4 3.Qxd4), I played it for awhile getting fair results… beat a Senior Master with it. I have considered going back to the Guioco Piano and Evans Gambit, but the Vienna is not as well-analyzed and catches opponent off guard.
So before the tournament, I decided to employ the Vienna again. Here is the game… Shabazz-Chiang
Are you a e4 or d4 player?
I looked at your game and you refer to a game in Tuley Park. My Aunt lives in the area and I would go up there to play sometimes. Thanks for the game.
1.e4 all of my life. I have played 1.c4 a couple of times and 1.d4 only once when I knew an opponent didn’t know how to play the Benko Gambit (which is what I play). I won that game, but I have played 1.e4 religiously.
Class Sections: under-1800, under-1600, under-1400, under-1200, under-900
Under-1600 section. Why is the player looking at Jessica Pope??
Adia Onyango scored 7/9 tying for joint 3rd in under-1600 and won a prize in the blitz tournament. Hard work is paying off!
James Jackson, is a turtle hobbyist and once brought the queen mother to a tournament years ago. That was several dozen turtles ago 🙂
Pretty girl shows that chess has no age boundaries.
Abdullah Abdul-Basir (under-1400)
A backrank mate on the board!
Charts for Open Section.
Charts for Under-2400… show me the money!
Tyrell Harriott, winner of 2nd place in under-2000.
Jose Espinosa playing the piano… very nice I might add.
Blitz: S.P. Sethuraman vs. Wesley So, 0-2
GM Ray Robson playing “Consultation Chess”… teams of players get to discuss variations during the game. GM Abhijeet Gupta (standing left) and GM Josh Friedel (sitting far right) kibitz.
Blitz: Wesley So vs. Giorgi Kacheishvili, 2-0.
Blitz: Yaacov Norowitz vs. William Aramil, 2-0.
Bughouse: Nolan Hendrickson & partner (left) vs.
Megan Lee & Sasha Velikanov.
Consultation Chess still going on with more players joining in.
Darrian Robinson, will head to University of Chicago this fall as an economics major.
under that caption she is playing larry saxby, a strong (expertish) local player.
I know Larry… I forgot to add her opponent. Thanks! Larry actually told me about the game and that many had warned him prior to the game that she was a tough out.
This is an instructive game Black played. R4-5d-B27 Bercys, Salvijus vs. Williams, Justus (0-1)
Yes sir! A powerful attack with a nice use of tactics!
Sokolov wins 2012 World Open!
Reflections on 2012 World Open