Hip-Hop Chess documentary!

“I’m not a chess whiz. I’m not a chess master. I’m just a guy who loves chess. What I’m pulling off of it philosophically is my strength.”

~Adisa Banjoko, Hip Hop Chess Federation

Dyhemia Young with Adisa Banjoko.

Adisa Banjoko with one of his students, Dyhemia Young. Young came from difficult circumstances and discovered chess through the HHCF. This led to a memorable experience at Susan Polgar’s invitational tournament.

Adisa Banjoko has recently released a short documentary on the founding philosophy of his organization and actually goes through its evolution. The HHCF emphasizes a fusion of hip-hop with martial arts, music and chess to give youth a way to express their energy in a positive direction. Besides Banjoko, there are comments by Dyhemia Young, Rakaa Iriescience, RZA and clips from various HHCF events!


  1. I really admire what Adiso is doing! While many including eductors & administrators have written off many of our AA urban youth his message is simple, here are some basic tools to reach the urban youth with a message –Be postive and Be prepare [to stay and play in the game of life.
    Congrats Adiso

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