Orrin Hudson “Pays it Forward” in 2019

The Chess Drum has featured Orrin C. Hudson since 2002, nearly two years after the founding of Besomeone, Inc. In dozens of articles on this site, we have seen him tirelessly dedicate himself to helping youth to make better decisions through chess. Hudson recently gave an in-depth interview for AIB on his path and some of the success stories created as a result of his brainchild, Besomeone, Inc. The video features some of the volunteers and past students who give testimonials about the value of the program and its value.

“People are chasing the wrong kind of KASH.”
~Orrin C. Hudson

Hudson, a former Alabama State Trooper and Air Force veteran, has trekked across the nation with an aim to teach 1,000,000 youth how to use the right kind of K.A.S.H. (Knowledge, Attitude, Skills, Habits) to build a successful path in life.

Motivated by a shooting in Queens, New York which resulted in seven people killed for $2400, he has trained over 60,000 youth with a target of 1,000,000. The Atlanta-based motivational speaker has been on practically every major network to tell his story and has shown resilience in keeping his vision strong.

Here Atlanta Interfaith Broadcasters (AIB) covers his story…

Be Someone, Inc.
Orrin Checkmate Hudson
Speaker, Master Strategist & Motivator
949 Stephenson Road
Stone Mountain, GA 30087

Telephone: 770-465-6445
E-mail: Orrin@besomeone.org
Website: www.besomeone.org

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