Fundraiser for “Extermo” in Philly

FM William Morrison
Photo by Daaim Shabazz.

FM William Morrison is considered a chess legend and has trod a worn-out path on the east coast of the U.S. Known as “The Exterminator” he is revered in New York, Philly, Baltimore and the DC area and renown for his blitz prowess.

Recently, Morrison and his family were victims of a house fire which caused extensive damage to their Maryland home. Players from the Philadelphia area decided to hold a fundraiser to help him in a time of crisis.

According to FM Norman Rogers, about 50 players from the east coast came out to North Philly and showed their moral and financial support. NM Glenn Bady took photos and they can be viewed on his Facebook page.

Video by NM Glenn Bady.

One Comment

  1. I hope that William and family are safe and sound! – Strangely for me, this is the first time hearing of this as I would have liked to have shown my support in person at this tourney. In recent years, my own family has met with tragedy (not a fire) so I strongly sympathize. Best Wishes to William Morrison and Family – much Love.
    Kimani A. Stancil – a Baltimore Chess Warrior
    P.S. Thanks for the broadcast, Daaim!

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