Maurice Ashley on the move!

GM Maurice Ashley giving a 20-board simul at Baltimore’s Enoch Pratt library.
Photo by André F. Chung.

Those of you wondering where Grandmaster Maurice Ashley is can rest assured that he is still blazing the trail to promote chess. Well known by now,  Ashley has continue to serve as an ambassador and role model. In a recent visit to Baltimore, Ashley helped to raise funds for the Carson Scholars Fund. The fund was created by neurosurgeon Benjamin Carson, the first doctor to perform the separation of conjoined twins.

The article has several errors, but nevertheless it is an ode what Ashley has done for chess. However, many wonder when Ashley will return to the board to play competitively. That question is often asked, but we will have to wait and see. Time has certainly passed quickly. 

Read “Sharing his Passion,” here!

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