Hudson hosts “Back-to-School” event
August 4, 2008
Contact: Janice Davis
Telephone: (678)526-0292
Atlanta’s biggest back-to-school block party gives 5000 kids a head start; kids get school supplies, V-103 gear and the first lesson of the school year… the Be Someone! Chess Challenge
The start of the Olympics and the start of a new school year mean it’s time to throw a party; A Back-to-School Block Party at Centennial Olympic Park this Saturday offers kids new school supplies as well as the chance to adopt a new enthusiasm for learning. The “Make Every Move Count” chess method will be demonstrated by Orrin “Checkmate” Hudson, founder of Be Someone, Inc, a youth development organization. With a playing field of 50+ chess boards, Hudson will simultaneously play up to 50 challengers in his popular chess clinic. Using the clinics as a platform, Hudson teaches kids how to play chess and make the right moves in life. He instructs, educates, motivates, and inspires kids while entertaining them with dance moves, rap, and jokes, reinforcing his message with catchy slogans, like “Push Pawns, Not Drugs,” “Think It Out, Don’t Shoot It Out,” and “Heads Up, Pants Up, Grades Up.” The party will also include games, arts and crafts, a fashion show, and other entertainment. The first 5,000 kids to attend will receive a free backpack with school supplies compliments of CVS, Aquafina and The People’s Station V-103.
Back-to-School Block Party
Saturday, August 9
10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Centennial Olympic Park