
IM Maurice Ashley (2445)
GM Robert Kempinski (2530)

Bayern-chI Bank Hofmann (6)
Bad Wiessee, 1997

1. e4 c5

This is called the Sicilian Defense. It is an opening played at the very top level of chess and is known for its fighting style. You may not want to play this as a beginner because it is a very difficult defense to play correctly. Concentrate on moving the central pawns to develop your pieces as quickly as possible. 2. Nf3 d6 3. Bb5+ The Bishop is attacking the King with check, so the there are three options: capture, block or flee. This is the logical order. In this position, black has no way to legally capture the Bishop, but can block with either the Knight (Nb8-c6), Bishop (Bc8-d7) or the Queen (Qd8-d7). Of course, you wouldn't block with the Queen because the white Bishop would then capture the Queen and you will be giving up your most powerful piece. 3... Nd7 4. d4 cxd4 5. Qxd4 The Queen is the most powerful piece and in most cases, you would not want it out in the middle of the board so early in the game. In this case, the Queen is in no immediate danger because no "minor" piece (Knight, Bishop or Rook) can attack or capture it. The Queen has to be careful not to abuse her power. 5... Ngf6 6. Bg5 a6 7. Bxd7+ How many ways can the white Bishop be captured? 7... Nxd7 The Bishop could have been captured four different ways: Bc8xd7, Qd8xd7, Ke8xd7 and the move actually played... Nf6xd7. 8. Nc3 Qb6 9. Qd2 e6 10. O-O-O

Notice that white has a lead in what is called "development." This means that white has more pieces that can freely move throughout the board. How many pieces does white have developed? Looking at the board, white has a total of five pieces developed and the Rook on the h1 square is one move away. In addition, the white King has already moved to safety by "castling" where it is much harder to attack. How many pieces does black have developed? Only two... the Queen and the Knight. Thus, black is said to be behind in development. You want to make sure you get your pieces developed and the King to safety. 10... Qa5 11. Qe1!? This is a very strange move you may be thinking. This is an advanced concept that you will learn more about in the later lessons. As a beginner, it would be best for you to simply play 11. Rhe1 This way you get all of your pieces into the game. 11... Nb6? This is not a very good move. Black is falling further behind in development and his King is still in the center. In chess the middle of the board opens up quickly and the King is more likely to be attacked. Black is having a hard time developing. 12. b3 h6 13. Bd2 Qc5 14. Be3 Qc7

Black has moved the Queen four times in the opening already. As you are learning, try not to move the same piece in the opening twice. 15. Bd4 Nd7 How many times has the black Knight moved in the opening? 16. Qe3 Qa5 Again... black keeps moving his Queen! This does not look like a Grandmaster playing, but indeed it is! 17. Nd5! This is called a "sacrifice." White gives up a Knight (3 points) for a pawn (1 point). However, white has a plan and you will see why it is bad to fall behind in development. This is even more true with the King the center. 17... exd5 18. exd5+ This is check, but also a "discovered check!" The white Queen attacks the Black King after the white pawn cleared the path. Right? So what must the King do... capture, block or flee! 18... Kd8 Black decides to flee and his King will remain in the center of the board where it can be attacked by white's developed pieces. 19. Rhe1 Rooks belong in the center. 19... Kc7 20. Rd3 Kb8 Four of black's pieces are undeveloped (both Bishops and both Rooks) and cannot shield the King from danger, so the King is trying to run to safety. 21. Qe8 Nc5 22. Rc3 Notice that all of white's pieces are developed and active. 22... Ka7 The black King is finally safe... or is it? 23. Qxf7 White captures a pawn. Because black's pieces are not developed, the pawns do not have any support. It is usually good for Pawns to have piece support. 23... Bg4 At move 23, finally another piece developed. 24. b4!

This is a "forking" tactic. The pawn attacks two pieces at once. If you are asking if the Queen could capture the pawn, the answer is "yes," but black would pay a heavy price. See the next lesson. 24... Qa4 25. bxc5 dxc5 26. Ne5 Bd7 Did you see that the black pawn could have captured the Bishop? 27. Be3 Qa5 The black Queen attacks which piece? 28. Bd2 Qxa2 29. Rb3 Qa1+ Check! 30. Rb1 This is the only option for white. 30... Qa3+ 31. Kd1 Because black's pieces are not developed, it is hard to attack white's King. 31... Rd8 32. Nxd7 Qa2 Black has moved his Queen 11 times in this game and two of his pieces are still not developed. 33. Rxb7+!! This is not a beginner's move, but let's see what it does. The Rook captured the pawn and the Black King can capture the Rook for free, right? 33... Kxb7 34. Nxc5+ Look at this! The black King is in check two times... by the Knight and the Queen. This is called "double check" and whenever this occurs, the King MUST flee! 34... Kb6 Without anywhere to hide, the black King has to run! 35. Qb7+ Kxc5 White sacrifices another piece! 36. Bb4+ The Bishop slices across the board and gives check! 36... Kd4 37. Qb6+ Kc4 38. Re4+ The Rook joins in on the attack! Check! 38... Kxd5 39. Qe6#

This is called "checkmate." How do we know this? The King has to either capture, block or flee, right? Can it capture the Queen? No because it would be checked by the Rook. Can it capture the Rook? No, because it would be checked by the Queen. Can it block? No, it cannot legally put anything between itself and the Queen because there is no square. Can the black King flee? Nope! Every square that the King can move to will put it in danger. Try it! When the King is in check and has no legal way to capture, block or flee, it is called "checkmate" and the game is over! The motto of this game is... DEVELOP ALL OF YOUR PIECES!! 1-0 [Shabazz D.]

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