The website has a plethora of valuable information including a book list, an opening index, a discussion board, a nice photo gallery and even a Detroit-Canada connection. The site also contains details the benefits of chess. They do not differ from the ones detailed on hundreds of websites, but they are worth repeating...
"Playing chess requires a range of skills and aptitudes that we are trying to develop in our students: anticipation, sequential analysis, making hypotheses and proving or disproving them, spatial organization, memory and powers of concentration. As an intellectual activity that provides many opportunities for decision-making, initiative, originality and creativity, chess gives students an opportunity to show sound judgment. Our student/players also understand that chess correlates with life experiences in that if you make a bad decision on the board it can cost you the game. Besides, chess is a fascinating game that children adore and never tire of exploring."
Detroit City Chess Club meets every Friday night at the Detroit Institute of Arts 5200 Woodward Avenue from 4:00pm to 8:00pm. All are welcome to come and play. You can contact Mr. Kevin Fite at kfite@detroitcitychessclub.com.
Detroit City Chess Club 18701 Grand River #237 Detroit, Michigan 48223 Phone: 313 657-2268 https://www.detroitcitychessclub.com