12 February 2005

Dear Drum Visitor,

The Chess Drum celebrate its 4th year today. This year hopes to be better than ever! Your letters and moral support have been appreciated. It is my hope that you have made this site one of your favorites and have found the news and information enlightening and timely.

The site has grown to over 4000 pages including more than 1200 games, 700 news briefs which cover chess activities from small local events to national championships to major events such as Olympiad tournaments and World Championships. Currently, The Chess Drum averages roughly 1500-2000 visitors a day (from over 160 countries and territories) and in December (alone), recorded one million hits!

While The Chess Drum has become a popular chess site, it needs to continue its growth… and your help is needed. This campaign is designed to raise funds for further improvement and maintenance of the site and to increase efforts in chess promotion throughout the world. It is the first attempt in four years soliciting donations and the good thing about it is, there is a contribution category to fit each person.


Grandmaster Patron (US$500 or more)
Senior Master Patron (US$200-$499)
Master Patron (US$100-$199)
Expert Patron (US$50-$99)
Patron (US$20-$49)
Supporter (US$1-$19)

Everyone helping in this initiative will be sent a token of appreciation. Regardless of whether your contribution is US$1.00 or US$1,000.00, you are helping The Chess Drum become an all-purpose entity for chess promotion and bring wider exposure to diverse segments of the chess community.  Again thanks for your continued support and…



Daaim Shabazz

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News Briefs | | Fire on Board! | |  Chess Crackers | |  The Talking Drum
The  65th Square | | Drum Majors of Chess | | Historic Moments
Game Library | | Your Chess Market | | The Chess Academy