South Africa’s “Moves for Life” moves on!

South Africa continues to forge ahead with “Moves for Life” initiative launched in 2010. President Jacob Zuma gave the program his full backing and the program has sprouted to offer chess instruction to thousands of young boys and girls. Some of the takeaway benefits are motor skills, critical thinking, concentration and discipline. All of these traits have been proven in countless studies on the benefits of chess. Malusi Lekalakala and Marisa van der Merwe, Founder/Trustee are featured on the five-minute interview.


  1. Pingback: Daily Chess News Links April 13, 2014 |
  2. Great project! In years to come, I am sure we’ll see the effect of this huge initiative in all facets of the lives of these students.

  3. We need the Pan African support to achieve the same feat in Kenya by the year 2016 when we shall have school curriculum review.

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