12-year old Rachel Miller earns FIDE title!

Jamaica has experienced a wave of activity amongst the youth segment of the population. This has due to the success of local chess administration and players, led by QC Ian Wilkinson, President of Jamaican Chess Federation. Recently several Jamaicans were awarded titles from retroactive results. However the newest title recipient is also the youngest in 12-year old Rachel Miller who has been conferred the title of Women’s Candidate Master.

The title was earned from her result at the 2012 Central American and Caribbean Youth Chess Championship held in Caguas, Puerto Rico in December 2012 where she scored 5/9 (7th position in under-12). Confirmation came this week from FIDE to the joy of her coach FM Warren Elliott. Miller, a student at Campion, has compiled a string of successes in her short career. Rachel has a sister Rianna Miller, who also competed in the under-10 section and finished 2nd in the Under-8 female category.


  1. Resume of Rachel Miller

    Rachel Miller posing at the Pan-American Youth Championship in Puerto Rico. Photo by Warren WEchess.com.

    • CARIFTA Junior Chess Under-16 Female CARIFTA Champion 2013 – First Place
    • CARIFTA Junior Chess Under-14 Female Champion 2013 – First Place
    • Current Titled and Top ranked FIDE Under-14 Player for Jamaica (WOMAN CANDIDATE MASTER)
    • National Junior Women’s Champion of Jamaica 2013
    • 2nd Place Under-16 Absolute Jamaica National Age Group Championships 2013
    • Under-16 Jamaica National Champion (Female) 2013
    • Under-14 Jamaica National Champion (Absolute) 2013
    • Under-14 Jamaica National Champion (Female) 2013
    • Member of Campion College Urban Chess Champion Team 2013
    • Member of Champion Under-12 Jamaica International Team – Junior Orange Bowl, Miami 2012
    • 5th Place Junior Orange Bowl Miami 2012 Under-12 (Absolute)
    • Jamaica Open December 2012 – Best Under-12 (Female)
    • CAC Chess Championship, Caguas, Puerto Rico 2012 – Tied for First place in Under-12 Female category.
    • Pan-American Youth Festival, Lima, Peru, 2012 – Top placing Jamaican for Under 12 Female
    • CARIFTA Games (2012) Chess Silver CARIFTA Award – Under-12 (Absolute)
    • NCB Challenge the Mind Tournament (2012) – First Place Under-16 (Absolute)
    • NCB Challenge the Mind Tournament (2012) – First Place Under-16 (Female)
    • Under-14 Jamaica National Female Champion 2012
    • Under-12 Jamaica National Champion (Absolute) 2012
    • Under-12 Jamaica National Champion (Female) 2012
    • Member of Campion College School Chess Team 2012
    • Member of 2nd placed Under-12 International Team – Junior Orange Bowl Miami 2011
    • 6th Place Junior Orange Bowl Miami 2011 Under-12 Absolute
    • Prep/Primary School Champion – Hopefield Preparatory School 2010, 2011 (Captain)
    • Best Female Junior Chess Gala – 2011
    • Under-12 Jamaica National Champion (Absolute) 2010
    • Under-12 Jamaica National Champion (Female) 2010
    • UWI Open – Champion (Beginner section) – 2010

    Link: https://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20130510/sports/sports4.html (Claire Clarke)

  2. The future is indeed bright for Jamaican chess. Congratulations definitely due to Rachel, her coach(es) -FM Elliott et al- and (especially) her parents (the Millers – her father Donald recently became a vice-president of the Jamaica Chess Federation). Her passion for the “king of games” seems to grow daily and that is fantastic, auguring well for the future.

  3. Pingback: Daily Chess News Links August 20, 2013 | blog.chesscafe.com
  4. I could go on talking about his accomplishments, but they are well-known. He has a very successful law practice and as one of the top lawyers on the island, he serves as President of Bar Association. He’s also on the FIDE Ethics Commission and deliberated on the “Toiletgate” case. I’m not sure how he has the time for chess with a wife and kids. Oh… his wife is great too! She hosted Amon Simutowe and I when we came to Jamaica. I was at their wedding in Jamaica.

    Here’s a piece on him…

    Both of his books featured…

  5. An intellectual giant! Thanks for the info Daaim. Hopefully, our young promising stars will get to meet him one day.

  6. Gentlemen, thank you for the most gracious comments. They are unduly generous. Daaim – please tell the world that you are NOT my “PR” agent and I did NOT pay you (or offer any favours!) to say these nice things about me!!! We look forward to having the “lions” in Jamaica – they would not want to leave!!! We are proud of them looking on from afar!

    On a serious note, “…to whom much is given much is expected” and that is one of the maxims guiding my life hence the various involvements in chess etc. One finds the energy to do what one really wants to do no matter how busy.

    I will continue to do what is necessary to try and improve the lot of my people, especially the youth. That is why I am so impressed with “chess parents” like Guy who help their children to maximise their talent and make their ambitions/dreams become realities. This will have a domino effect as you are creating role models who will impact the lives of countless others meaningfully.

    Through this great medium called chess, let us “build a nation of thinkers” in each country and transform the world positively!

  7. Yes sire! You make us proud. 🙂

    I often think of how such an activity like has brought so many together. I look at the World Cup and I am encouraged by the number of nation that are now emerging in chess. We are part of something far different from any other sport. I always tout the universality of chess.

    Guy is a dedicated chess parent and a man of proud Haitian ancestry. He has a beautiful family as well! At some point, we will have to get the boys to Jamaica before they get too famous.

  8. Daaim,

    I have taken part in sports such as cricket, table tennis, track and field and football – the REAL REAL REAL football that Americans call “soccer”!!! (In fact, just a quick aside, I repeatedly tell one of my sons who has strong American connections that it is incredible that a game where the ball spends so much time in the players’ hands can be called “football”!! America never ceases to amaze! The real name should be something like “Endzone” or “Touchdown” :):):))

    Although I enjoyed playing them, NONE of the above sports has given me as much joy etc. when compared to CHESS.

    The “universality” is definitely correct. I have often marvelled at that, especially at the Olympiads. Chess has a special allure that nothing else has….as my French friends would say it is “sans pareil”!

    The “lions” and family are welcome to visit Jamaica anytime. We are planning a major international Masters (norm) event next year October (2014) fairly soon after the Tromso Olympiad that should set the right mood. Perhaps with this advanced notice they can plan etc. to visit “the land of wood and water”, our brilliant country that has given the world outstanding personalities such as Marcus Garvey (our National Hero who inspired Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X – just to name a few), Bob Marley, Louise Bennett-Coverley (“Miss Lou”), Merlene Ottey and more recently Usain Bolt.

  9. Yes, yes. The football World Cup, but also the ongoing World Cup of Chess going on in Tromso, Norway!! It’s a wonderful display of universality. I never told you, but I played football (or soccer) during high school and club soccer in college… then some pick-up games after lunch. Haven’t played in many years, but I had a good touch! 🙂

    We have to get to Jamdown. I was just telling a Jamaican co-worker that I need to get down there and she is saying Ocho Rios and Mobay (where she is from). 🙂 It’s been too long!

  10. Congratulations, to the young Ms. Rachel Miller on attaining the title of “Women’s Candidate Master” and may she continue to be a “light” to other’s who may follow her path. Congratulation’s on her many successes in Chess, and may she have many, many more.

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