Black Star News features article on Simutowe!

I was contacted by a journalist named Omar Bourne a couple of weeks ago. He sought to do a piece on Zambian Amon Simutowe. He apparently had found my e-mail on The Chess Drum and then contacted Simutowe who is currently in Africa. The result is a very interesting article (“Amon: The Chess King”) that may reveal a few new things about the African star. Black Star News is a Pan-African newspaper named after Marcus Garvey’s famed “Black Star Line” a shipping fleet that was designed to spur Pan-African trade amongst Black people between the Americas, Caribbean and Africa. The article also provides insight as to what the immediate chess plans are for Amon.

One Comment

  1. A very interesting article about Amon Simutowe who will probably become the first Black Grandmaster from Black Africa

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