Following are 12 questions pertaining to historical facts about Black chess personalities. After you have contemplated your answers, type them in the box provided. Feel free to open another browser window and research the answers. After answering the questions, hit the "Submit" button and your answers will be automatically sent to The Chess Drum. You will then be taken directly to the Answers Page where you can check your answers. Enjoy!!
Residence (City, Country):
1. Which one of the following players of African descent needs only one more Grandmaster norm (performance) to become a Grandmaster?
FM Emory Tate (USA)
IM Watu Kobese (South Africa)
IM Robert Gwaze (Zimbabwe)
IM Amon Simutowe (Zambia)
2. Name the 2nd Black player to qualify for the U.S. Chess Championship.
3. Which of the following players played 17.Rxc6!! in the position below?
IM Robert Gwaze (Zimbabwe)
FM Ronald Simpson (USA)
FM Philip Corbin (Barbados)
NM Marvin Dandridge (USA)
4. What is the name of the woman who is twice French Woman's Chess Champion?
Medina Parrilla
Aurélie Dacalor
Baraka Shabazz
Raphaelle Delahaye
5. This son of African immigrants took the American chess scene by storm. Labeled as a child prodigy, he boasted a 2100-rating at age 10 and once won countless awards for academic and chess excellence.
6. Born in Columbia, South America, this talented player is one of the brightest young stars in his adopted European country.
7. Which three Caribbean players won the 2001 Jamaican, 2002 Trinidadian and 2003 Barbadian National Championships with perfect scores?
Shane Matthews (Jamaica), Ryan Harper (Trinidad), Delisle Warner (Barbados)
Warren Elliott (Jamaica), Christo Cave (Trinidad), Kevin Denny (Barbados)
Shane Matthews (Jamaica), Christo Cave (Trinidad), Philip Corbin (Barbados)
Warren Elliott (Jamaica), Ryan Harper (Trinidad), Delisle Warner (Barbados)
8. Name this Black player of note who once authored a book of chess compositions.
9. This player played in the 1959 U.S. Junior Championship where he placed 5th (out of 40 players) and was the first Black player in the U.S. to officially earn the National Master's title.
10. What was the name of the FIRST movie characterizing Philadelphia's Vaux junior high school and their championship teams?
"The Mighty Pawns"
"Searching for Bobby Fischer"
"I Choose to Stay"
11. This player is known as "The Magician" in Jamaica and is a 7-time National Champion. Name him.
12. Black's last move was 57
Kd6 resulting in a strange draw. The position below is a result of an exciting game between which two players?
Grace Nsubuga - Kenny Solomon (Wilbert Paige Memorial, 2001)
Frank Street - Charles Covington - (U.S. Amateur Ch., 1965)
Emory Tate - Maurice Ashley (New York Open, 1993)
Warren Elliott - Shane Matthews (Jamaican Ch., 2000)