Jamaica Jamaica Jamaica

Peter Myers, "Invitees to Masters KO Chess Champs Announced,"  21 September 2005 (Clarendon, Jamaica).

National Chess Champion FIDE Master Warren Elliott, heads the list of 26 invitees to the 2005 Masters Knockout Chess Championship scheduled to begin on October 08, 2005 at MICO Teachers College. The list, which was announced by the Jamaica Chess Federation (JCF) earlier this week, consists of active players above the rating of 2000.

The invitees have until September 25, 2005 to accept the invitation to play.

Games are scheduled to commence at 10am each Saturday and Sunday, with the time control being 40 moves in 2hrs and 30mins to complete. The Championship will take place over an eight-week period until November 27, 2005.

FM Warren Elliott

The complete list of invitees in order of rank include:

1. Warren Elliott, 2. Russel Porter, 3. Duane Rowe, 4. Shane Matthews, 5. Jomo Pitterson, 6. Geoffrey Byfield, 7. Malaku Lorne, 8. Robert Wheeler, 9. Deborah Richards, 10. Equitable Brown, 11. Mark Smith, 12. Mark Holness, 13. Brandon Wilson, 14. Alain Morais, 15. Christopher Buchanan, 16. John Powell, 17. Peter Myers, 18. Richard Haughton, 19. Humphrey Gayle, 20. Adrian Palmer, 21. Markland Douglas, 22. Daren Wisdom, 23. Rayon Smith, 24. Andrew Mellace, 25. Eton Chin and 26. Gordon, Tremaine.

Posted by The Chess Drum: 23 September 2005